Python tutorial -- #1 (Introduction of Python)

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Python tutorial (#1)


All the earlier languages like C, PASCAL, FORTRAN etc. are based on functional aspects of 
programming  i.e. writing program through Functions. But programmers faced a lot of difficulties in functional programming. Then computer scientist thought to develop a new way of programming in which we can do programming by linking with real life examples which make programming easier. Thus they developed a new concept of programming called object oriented programming language in which programming were done by using objects and classes. After that JAVA (and other languages also) came and Java becomes the world most popular language. Java is a pure object oriented programming language. Thus, if we write any statements at first we need to define class (due to object orientation). object which do not have any requirement of defining any class also need to define class in Java and it makes the program lengthy and that is the main demerits of Java language. Programmers wants a language which contains the features of both (Procedure and object oriented) languages so, they can do Programming as per requirement and there wish become true in 1991. Python tutorial

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Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991. The name of this language 'Python' was taken from a T.V. show named 'Monty python flying circus '. Actually, Python were created at the beginning of 1990 but it was publically announced in 20 February 1991. Python tutorial

➥ Today, Python is one of the most popular language of the World. This is because of his some excellent features :--
i)   Simple/Easy to learn = Python is very simple language. By reading his syntax and code we feel like we are reading English alphabets. We can learn its syntax and code very easily.

ii) Open source = Python is free software and can be download from its official website (WWW. It also provide their source code and anyone can modifies and can do changes in there source code to use themselves according to there need.

iii) High Level Language = Languages are of two types:-
     a)  Low Level Language  -- In this language programming were done through machine   codes. Assembly language and Machine language are two Low level Languages.

    b) High Level Language  -- In this language programming were done through English      alphabets. some examples of high level languages are C,Python, COBOL etc.

iv) Platform Independent = Programs (applications) that created from Python language can be executed or can be use in any O.S. like LINUX, UNIX, Windows,Macintosh, etc.

v) Portable = When a program yields the same result on any computer in the world then it is called Portable. Programs developed from Python are Portable.

vi) Procedure and Object Oriented = In Python we can do Object Oriented Programming and Procedural (functional) Oriented Programming. We can programming by any of these according to our need and requirements. Python tutorial

What is Object Oriented Programming  ??

That programming in which we use the concept of objects and classes are called Object Oriented Programming. Now let's move towards objects and classes. All the things in the universe which are physically exist are called object. Let's take an example, There is a boy named Shyam. So, Shyam exist physically in our house, thus Shyam is an object. Now, Shyam have some properties like their height, weight, color etc. these properties are called attributes and it is represented by variables in Python. Shyam can do various actions like laughing, weeping, talking etc. these actions are represented by methods in Python. So, an objects have their own attributes and methods.
                                                                                                            Now, we are going to explain about classes. Classes are the things which do not exist physically come back to example we saw that shyam is a boy here Boy don't exist physically so, Boy is a class. we can take another example for more clarity. Suppose a dog name Snoopy will be a object  and dog is class we can also say snoopy is a object of dog class. Please remember that class also have there own attributes and methods. Python tutorial

Execution of Python Program :-

The code which we write in Python are called Source Code. When we compile a source code then Python compiler convert it into Byte Code. Byte code represents a fixed set of instruction that represent all the operations. size of byte code is just 1 byte (8 bits) after that PVM(Python Virtual Machine) interpreter convert the byte code into machine code (0 and 1). then the processor (C.P.U.) process the machine code and give their output.

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Frozen Binaries :-
There are two way to provide the applications that were made from Python to the end user.:-
By providing them byte code and they will install P.V.M and can use the application by interpreting the byte code. Second method is to provide them .pyc file , P.V.M and required libraries of python. so, they can use all these to make single (.exe) file and can start to use it in Just a click But .exe file are greater in size in comparison of .pyc file(Byte code).

 Python tutorial Python tutorial  Final word ----- We hope this article helped you know about Python tutorial.


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